How to Fix Hair Color Mistakes

While we all want our hair colorings to turn out perfectly, sometimes mistakes happen.

Biography of Chris John

Yohannes Christian John is an Indonesian professional boxer, and the current WBA (Super) featherweight champion.

Biography of Liem Swie King

Liem Swie King is a former Indonesian badminton player who excelled from the late 1970s through the mid 1980s.

Cara Hidup Sehat ala Rasulullah

Rasulullah SAW adalah insan mulia dengan riwayat sakit paling jarang. Beliau senantiasa dalam keadaan sehat sekalipun melaksanakan tugas dakwah kerasulan yang teramat berat dan menguras pikiran serta tenaga.

Biography of Michael Schumacher

Michael Schumacher is a German Formula 1 racing driver for the Mercedes GP Team. While his association with Mercedes has been noteworthy, he is most famous for his eleven-year spell with Ferrari.

Cara Hidup Sehat ala Rasulullah

Rasulullah SAW adalah insan mulia dengan riwayat sakit paling jarang. Beliau senantiasa dalam keadaan sehat sekalipun melaksanakan tugas dakwah kerasulan yang teramat berat dan menguras pikiran serta tenaga.

Apa rahasia dibalik kesehatan beliau?
Berikut ini adalah beberapa cara hidup sehat yang selalu beliau amalkan:

1. Selalu bangun sebelum subuh
Rasulullah mengajak umatnya bangun sebelum subuh untuk melaksanakan shalat sunnah dan shalat subuh berjamaah. Hikmahnya adalah mendapat limpahan pahala, kesegaran udara subuh yang baik terutama untuk menyehatkan paru-paru serta menyegarkan pikiran. Asupan oksigen yang masih bebas polusi bisa menyehatkan otak.

2. Aktif menjaga kebersihan
Rasulullah SAW senantiasa tampak bersih dan rapi. Setiap kamis atau jumat, beliau mencukur rambut halus di pipi, memotong kuku, bersiwak, serta memakai minyak wangi.

3. Tidak pernah makan berlebihan
Rasulullah mengajarkan untuk mengisi perut kita dengan 3 hal secara seimbang: sepertiga diisi dengan makanan, sepertiganya dengan air, dan sepertiga sisanya untuk bernapas (diisi dengan udara).
Sabda Rasulullah:”Kami adalah satu kaum yang tidak makan sebelum lapar dan apabila kami makan, tidak terlalu banyak(tidak sampai kekenyangan)”.

4. Gemar berjalan kaki
Rasulullah berjalan kaki ketika ke masjid, pasar, ke medan jihad, ataupun sekedar mengunjungi rumah sahabat. Dengan berjalan kaki peredaran darah akan berjalan lancar. Ini penting untuk mencegah penyakit jantung.

5. Tidak pemarah
Nasihat Rasulullah:”Jangan marah”, diulangi tiga kali. Ini menunjukkan hakikat kekuatan seseorang bukanlah terletak pada jasad, tetapi pada kebersihan jiwa.
Bila kita marah, cara paling mudah adalah mengubah posisi ketika marah. Jika sedang berdiri, maka duduklah. Jika sedang duduk, maka berbaringlah. Kemudian membaca ta’awudz serta mengambil air wudhu. Karena marah itu asalnya dari setan, dan setan terbuat dari api, maka padamkan dengan air wudhu.

6. Optimis dan tidak berputus asa
Sikap optimis memberikan kekuatan tersendiri bagi kelapangan jiwa, selain itu perlu juga memperbanyak sabar, istiqamah, serta tawakal kepada Allah SWT.

7. Tidak pernah iri hati
Kita perlu menjauhi sifat iri hati karena penting untuk menjaga kebersihan hati dan kesehatan jiwa. Kita harus selalu berdo’a: “Ya Allah, bersihkanlah hatiku dari sifat-sifat mazmumah (mendatangkan keburukan pada diri) dan hiasilah diriku dengan sifat-sifat mahmudah (mendatangkan kebaikan pada diri)”.

8. Pemaaf
Pemaaf adalah sifat terpuji yang bisa mendatangkan ketenteraman hati dan jiwa. Memaafkan orang lain akan membebaskan diri kita dari belenggu kemarahan. Ketika kita marah, marah itu akan melekat pada hati. Karenanya, mari menjadilan diri kita seorang yang pemaaf, karena dengan memaafkan akan membuat jiwa menjadi lapang dan badan akan selalu sehat.
Bahagia sebenarnya bukan mendapat, tetapi dengan memberi. Sebenarnya, banyak lagi cara hidup sehat Rasulullah SAW, namun setidaknya 8 cara hidup sehat ala Rasulullah tersebut cukup membantu kita menjalani hidup sehat.

 Semoga bermanfaat


How to Prevent Cancer ?

Cancer prevention is easier than you think. With a few simple lifestyle changes, you can drastically reduce your risk of many types of cancer. Many factors play a role in cancer development, but the good news is that most can be avoided.

1. Avoid Smoking and Exposure to Smoke

Smoking is the most significant cancer risk factor that we can reduce. It is responsible for not only lung cancer, but many other types of cancer. One of the best ways to prevent cancer is to quit smoking or never start. As soon as you quit, and it's never too late, your body reaps the benefits of being tobacco-free.

Avoiding secondhand smoke is also a way to prevent cancer. Secondhand smoke is the smoke exhaled from a smoker or a lit cigarette, pipe or cigar. This smoke contains more than 60 known carcinogens". These carcinogens interrupt normal cell development. This interference is what ignites cancer development.

2. Practice Sun Safety and Recognize When Skin Changes Occur

Did you know that over one million Americans are diagnosed with skin cancer each year? Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer among men and women, and it accounts for about half of all cancer diagnoses. The good news is that skin cancer is one of the most preventable types of cancer.

The first step in preventing skin cancer is to avoid UV ray exposure. We can do this by wearing sunscreen, avoiding mid-day sun, wearing protective clothing when outdoors, and by staying away from tanning beds. Here are some tips to get you started.

3. Eat Your Fruits and Veggies

A well-balanced diet is advantageous for many reasons. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables greatly reduces your risk of developing cancer and many other conditions.

Fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants, which help repair our damaged cells. Green, orange and yellow fruits and vegetables are your best bet to help prevent cancer. Studies also show that dark fruits, like blueberries and grapes, may also have anti-cancer properties.

Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli and cauliflower appear to pack a powerful punch at preventing cancer, according to numerous studies. Other cruciferous vegetables include bok choy, Brussel sprouts, and cabbage.

4. Limit Red Meat and Animal Fat

Numerous studies show that a diet high in animal fat increases the risk for several types of cancer, particularly colon cancer. Red meat contains much more fat than poultry and fish, so reducing the amount of red meat in your diet may help to prevent cancer. A diet high in fat also is major cause of obesity, which is a risk factor for many types of cancer. 

5. Limit Your Alcohol Intake

Drinking excessive amounts of alcohol regularly increases your risk factor for many types of cancer. Studies suggest that men who consume 2 alcoholic drinks per day and women who have 1 alcoholic drink per day significantly increase their risk factors for certain types of cancer.

6. Exercise for Cancer Prevention

Did you know that when you are exercise, you are reducing your risk for many types of cancer? The American Cancer Society recommends exercising 30 or minutes, at least 5 days a week for cancer prevention. Exercising doesn't have to mean going to the gym to lift weights. There are plenty of ways to get exercise into your day. Check out these 10 ways to prevent cancer through exercise for great gym alternatives.

7. Know Your Personal and Family Medical History

Knowing your family history of cancer is important to properly assess your risk factor for certain types of cancer. We know that cancers like breast, colon, ovarian, and possibly other types can be hereditary.

If you know that a certain type of cancer runs in your family, let your doctor know. Together, you can determine a proper screening plan and assess your true risk. Genetic testing and counseling is available and may be recommended based on your family's medical history.

8. Know What You're Being Exposed to in Your Work Environment

Chemicals in the workplace may increase your risk of developing many types of cancer, including kidney cancer and bladder cancer. If you are exposed to fumes, dust, chemicals, etc. in the workplace, you have a legal right to know what you are being exposed to. Gasoline, diesel exhaust, arsenic, beryllium, vinyl chloride, nickel chromates, coal products, mustard gas, and chloromethyl ethers are all carcinogens and can be found in some work environments. Talk to your employer about limiting exposure.

9. Practice Safe Sex

You may wonder what sex has to do with cancer. Unsafe sex can result in the infection of the human papillomairus (HPV), a known cause for cervical cancer and a risk factor for many other types of cancer. HPV is a common sexually transmitted infection that is spread through sexual, skin-to-skin contact. A vaccine, Gardasil, to prevent HPV was approved by the FDA in 2006 and protects against four strains of HPV that are associated with cervical cancer and other types. HIV/AIDS is also associated with some types of cancers.

10. Get Screened for Cancer Regularly

Cancer screening tests can be useful not only in detecting cancer, but also helping prevent it. Screening tests like the colonoscopy and Pap smear can detect abnormal cellular changes before they turn cancerous. The key to their effectiveness, however, is that they are done regularly.

Other cancer screening tests are available and may be useful for early detection, but not necessarily cancer prevention. Prostate cancer screening through digital rectal exams and PSA tests can help detect prostate cancer early. Mammograms and other imaging tools are also recommended to detect breast cancer in women.


How to Fix Hair Color Mistakes

While we all want our hair colorings to turn out perfectly, sometimes mistakes happen. And when a major hair color gaffe happens, you have two choices: 
1) Walk around with a totally messed-up dye job, or... 
2) Do something to fix the problem.

Assuming you care about your appearance, the second choice is most likely going to be what you pick. This being said, here is a look at some different things you should keep in mind when fixing a hair coloring gone wrong.

Fix the Problem Quickly

The biggest thing you need to keep in mind when hair color doesn’t turn out the way you expected is that the quicker you get to the problem, the more chance you have of fixing it. In the best case scenario, you will fix a bad dye job within 24 hours of the coloring; in the worst case scenario, you’ll attempt to correct things within 72 hours.

Letting the dye sit in your hair any longer than this will let the unwanted color penetrate your cuticles. Now this isn’t to say that it’s impossible to remove or reduce the color after 72 hours, but you’ll need to invest a lot more time and money into the matter if you don’t handle it quickly.

Hair Color Correction Kit

Assuming you’re going to fix a hair color mishap yourself, the best way to do this is by purchasing a hair correction kit. When buying the color corrector, make sure that you get the whole deal, including gloves, a shower cap, conditioner, color reducer, a color brush and processing lotion. In addition to all of this, you should get a set of instructions to follow with the kit, but we’ll also cover what to do below.

Most corrector packages call for you to mix the conditioner and color reducer together; once the mixture is created, you put the mix on your head with the color brush. As you apply the mixture, make sure to move the brush from your roots to the tips. The next step involves gently massaging the color reducer into your hair.

When you’ve finished with the reducer, you need to cover your head with a shower cap, and wait for the allotted amount of time (according to directions). While you’re waiting, you should be doing strand tests to see if the product is actually reducing the color (hopefully it is). If you’re unfamiliar with strand tests, you just need to take a small part of your hair, and wipe away the product to see what color your hair is.

After removing the shower cap, you can apply the processing lotion and let it sit in your hair. Once the processing lotion has run its course, you can jump in the shower to rinse the product out.

Visiting the Hair Salon

If your hair was colored at a salon, chances are that you’ll be able to re-visit the salon and get the color removed/corrected free of charge. These chances improve greatly when you contact the salon within the first 48 hours after the coloring.

Now sometimes you may lose confidence in the original salon that colored your hair. In this instance, you can always visit another salon to have the problem taken care of. Better yet, you can go to a color correction specialist and get really good results! In any case, just don’t try to redo a professionally-done job by yourself.

Re-Dyeing your Hair

Instead of trying to remove or reduce color, many people opt for re-dyeing their hair. This is an especially popular choice for those who have used a permanent product, and can’t use conventional means to take the dye out. But keep in mind that you’ll most likely have to visit a professional if your hair was colored a darker color.

When it comes time to re-dye your hair, the longer you wait to perform the dyeing, the better off you’ll be. In fact, you should try using a conditioner for color-treated hair before running out and buying more dye. After all, your hair is in a very sensitive state, and re-dyeing it too quickly can cause the hair to become even more dry and brittle. In addition to this, re-dyeing right after the initial dye job can lead to your hair either absorbing too much or too little of the color.

So when you take all of this into account, it’s very important to look at the health of your hair before deciding to re-dye it. Assuming your hair is dry and brittle, it’d be a good idea to wait at least a month (preferably two months) before dyeing all over again. If the health of your hair is good, you are safe to re-dye it within 2-3 weeks.

Letting Hair Color Fade Naturally

In some cases, removing the hair color isn’t an option. Maybe you waited too long and a stylist won’t fix the bad dye job, or you tried several at-home solutions and the product still won’t come out. Whatever your situation is, you may be in the unfortunate position of having to wait until your hair color fades naturally.

If you’re wondering how long this will take, it all depends on the hair color you chose and the product that was used. For example, if you dyed your hair blonde with a cheaper product, you would probably be waiting 2-3 months before the color is completely gone. Of course, it will fade before that, but this is a general estimate.

Assuming you used a permanent hair color product, your color is not meant to wash out or fade, so your best bet is to get it cut short and wait for the roots to grow in. Once this happens and your hair has grown out more, you can visit the salon and get your hair cut again. But hopefully you won’t have to go through this, and you’re able to use a solution that doesn’t require waiting on the hair color to fade.


Soccer - Asian Under-23 Best XI for 2011

Asian Under-23 Best XI for 2011

Formation: 4-4-2

Goalkeeper - Khairul Fahmi Che Mat
Kelantan FA and Malaysia

Khairul Fahmi Che Mat was largely an iconic figure in Malaysian football in 2011 with his impeccable performances for both club and country. The 22-year-old goalkeeper was impressive in Kelantan's Super League triumph, while also being a consistent figure between the sticks, during Malaysia's SEA Games win.

He was also voted as's Malaysian Player of the Year and with 2012 up and running, expect further developments from a man already regarded as the best goalkeeper in South-East Asia.

Right-back - Hiroki Sakai
Kashiwa Reysol and Japan

Only 21 years old but Hiroki Sakai is already being regarded as a gem of his kind in Japan. Sakai was hugely influential in Kashiwa Reysol's title-winning 2011 campaign, making that right-back spot his own.

Made his debut in the Japan Under-22 team in 2011, scoring one goal in seven appearances so far. Sakai was even voted as the J-League Rookie of the Year for his brilliant performances.

Centre-back - Rhys Williams

Middlesbrough and Australia

Missed 11 months in 2010 and early 2011 due to a pelvic injury, but upon his return in March, Rhys Williams helped Middlesbrough avoid relegation with some sublime performances in defence and went on to be linked with Premier League club Bolton.

He's been a key for his club's impressive 2011-12 campaign where they are bidding for promotion, while he's returned to the national team set-up pushing for a regular run at right-back.

Centre-back - Fadhli Shas

Harimau Muda A and Malaysia

Fadhli Shas was part of the Malaysian U-23 team that received great reviews in 2011. Was integral in Malaysia's run into the final stages of the Olympic qualifiers and also helped them win the SEA Games gold medal in football. His exquisite displays at the back prompted Slovakian club ViOn Moravce to snap him up on loan for three months in September last year.

Only 20 years of age, he looks to be a great prospect for Malaysia at centre back.

Left-back - Ehsan Hajsafi

Sepahan/Tractor Sazi and Iran

The 21-year-old defender/midfielder had a stellar year with both club and country, playing a big part for Iran as they reached the quarter-finals of the Asian Cup before winning the 2010-11 Iranian title with Sepahan.

Hajsafi moved to emerging Iranian power club Tractor Sazi for the 2011-12 season where he has continued his fine showing whilst taking his national team caps to 41 with solid displays for his country in their successful World Cup qualifying campaign.

Right midfield - Hiroshi Kiyotake

Cerezo Osaka and Japan
Hiroshi Kiyotake has been a fulfilling presence in the Cerezo Osaka midfield, being an absolute threat for the opposition. He was equally impressive for the Japan U-22 team, who are currently top of their group in the final round of the Olympic qualifiers.

As a result of his solid outings in the J-League, he was nominated in their Team of the Year list for 2011.

Centre midfield - Ki Sung-Yueng

Celtic and South Korea

There's no need to explain this selection in detail because Ki Sung-Yueng is by far one of the best midfielders in South Korea. Solid and composed, Ki's presence in the team is absolutely indubitable and his influence in Celtic's bid for the Scottish Premier League title is justified as well.

As a result of his magnificent outings this year, Ki has been voted as the KFA Player of the Year by South Korean fans.

Centre midfield - Odil Ahmedov

Anzhi Makhachkala and Uzbekistan

Odil Ahmedov had to be in our midfield after the young star had a wonderful Asian Cup with his country. He was rock solid at the back and in a deep-lying midfield role and scored one of the goals of the tournament.

Moved to Russian big spenders Anzhi in February and has been a regular fixture in their side, prompting a link with Arsenal. He was also voted as the best player at Anzhi for 2011.

Left midfield - Andik Vermansyah

Persebaya 1927 and Indonesia

Dubbed as the 'Indonesian Messi', Andik Vermansyah has been a revelation for both Indonesia U-23 and his club Persebaya 1927. The 20-year-old midfielder also showed great potential during a friendly match against LA Galaxy this year, where David Beckham heaped praise on him afterwards.

His terrific displays have alerted several European clubs with Benfica being rumoured to be interested in the Indonesian sensation.

Striker - Ji Dong-Won

Chunnam Dragons/Sunderland and South Korea
The 20-year-old emerged for the Taeguk Warriors at the 2011 Asian Cup as a teenager where he scored four goals for his nation, who finished third. His form at club level with Chunnam in the K-League wasn't nearly as prolific but good enough to see him linked with Newcastle, PSV Eindhoven and Sunderland.

He ultimately opted to move to the latter and has since made numerous appearances for the Black Cats, also netting against giants Chelsea and Manchester City.

Striker - Jeje Lalpekhlua

Pune FC and India

Jeje Lalpekhlua forced himself into the national team reckoning with his stellar performances for Indian Arrows in the I-League last season, when he finished as the top scorer amongst Indians with 12 goals. He was also awarded the FPAI Young Player Award for 2010-11 and has joined Pune FC since.

For the national team, having started off with four goals in three games during the AFC Challenge Cup qualifiers, he has an average of a goal every two matches. Jeje also played a vital part in India’s SAFF Championship triumph recently.


Goalkeeper Defender Defender Midfielder

Neil Etheridge

M. Muzeper

Hong Chul

Saad Abdul-Amir (IRAQ)
Midfielder Striker Striker

Seo Jung-Jin
Karim Ansarifard

Zhang Chengdong

Analysis - Cristiano Ronaldo vs Lionel Messi

By Ben Hayward | Spanish Football Editor

Barcelona versus Real Madrid is arguably football's greatest rivalry, but within the fascinating duel of Spain's superpowers there is an individual battle between two tremendous talents: Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo.

They could not be more different. While the Argentine is an old-fashioned, street-style footballer who evokes a bygone era with his dazzling dribbles and mesmerising magic on the ball, the Portuguese is the complete modern player - all pace, power, precision and potency.

 Messi and Ronaldo will go head to head - along with Xavi - for the Fifa Ballon d'Or in January and while the Argentine is expected to triumph in Zurich, 2011 has been a brilliant year for both players. Individually, Cristiano has the edge over the last 12 months, having netted an incredible 60 goals in 60 games, although collectively, Messi can claim the bragging rights, having led his brilliant Barcelona side to five more trophies under Pep Guardiola - La Liga, the Champions League, the Spanish Supercopa, Uefa Super Cup and Club World Cup.


Competition Games Goals Assists Bookings Trophies
La Liga 34 43 12 2 0
Cups 7 5 0 4 1
CL 10 5 4 1 0
Internationals 9 7 1 1 0
Total 60 60 17 8 1

Ronaldo recently broke the record for the number of league goals in a calendar year. The former Manchester United man has netted 43 times in La Liga in 2011, surpassing Messi's mark of 42 goals set in 2010. And those 43 strikes have come in just 34 games, 27 of which were part of last season's record-breaking total of 40, which set a new Pichichi record in Spain's top flight. But that may yet be beaten this term as Cristiano has already scored 20 in just 16 league games for Jose Mourinho's side in 2010-11.

Ronaldo is often accused of failing to produce against bigger teams, however, and that point was raised recently as the 26-year-old disappointed in the 3-1 Clasico defeat to Barcelona. These stats appear to back up the claim, too, because Cristiano is less prolific against top-class opposition in the Champions League than in La Liga, where standards drop outside the top four or five sides.

For Portugal, the forward enjoyed a happy year in front of goal, scoring seven in nine games, but apart from the winner in a 2-1 success over Messi's Argentina, the other strikes came against lesser lights such as Cyprus, Luxembourg, Denmark and Bosnia.

And although he has shown a more generous side to his game of late, his total of 17 assists is still some way short of Messi's 28.

Madrid are getting closer to Barca, though, and much of that is down to Ronaldo. At his brilliant best, he may just inspire them to even greater things in 2012.

IN 2011

Competition Games Goals Assists Bookings Trophies
La Liga 36 31 16 2 1
Cups 10 12 4 4 3
CL 11 12 5 1 1
Internationals 13 4 3 1 0
Total 70 59 28 6 5

At the moment, however, Messi is still the main man. His international stats may be less impressive, but overall his numbers are very similar to those of Ronaldo. He has more assists than his rival, struck just a goal less than the Portuguese in 2011 - albeit in more games - and offers so much to a Barca side in which he is the undoubted star.

Messi may have hit 12 goals less than Cristiano in the calendar year, but his superior strike rate both in the cups and the Champions League proves he can perform against any adversaries. Indeed, in key games such as the Champions League semi-final and final, the Argentine delivered.

He falls down only internationally, hampered by a system which fails to get the best from his astonishing abilities. That remains a concern for Argentina as the South Americans look to take advantage of possessing the world's finest footballer in their ranks. No wonder, then, they have tried to copy Barcelona's formation in the past, attempting to replicate a system in which Guardiola moved Messi further forward, playing him inside, supported by Xavi and Andres Iniesta behind him. It's a frightening prospect for any side, and one which has led Barca to 13 trophies under their current coach - including five in the past 12 months. But as Pep always says: they couldn't have done it without Messi.

So even though Cristiano outscored Leo in 2011, it's the Argentine who ends the year on top because of his ability to perform on the grandest of stages - and the silverware he has claimed in the process.

But as their clubs commence battle again in the New Year and their own personal duel continues, it remains to be see who will come out on top in 2012.

Biography of Chris John

Yohannes Christian John (born September 14, 1979 in Banjarnegara, Central Java, Indonesia) is an Indonesian professional boxer, and the current WBA (Super) featherweight champion.
John is the third Indonesian to win a boxing world title, following Ellyas Pical and Nico Thomas.

John started boxing in his early childhood and was trained by his father Johan Tjahjadi (aka Thjia Foek Sem), a former amateur boxer.

Real name Yohannes Christian John
Nickname(s) The Dragon
The Indonesian Thin Man
Rated at Featherweight
Height 5 ft 6.5 in (1.69 m)
Reach 65 in (170 cm)
Nationality Indonesia Indonesian
Born September 14, 1979 (age 32)
Banjarnegara, Indonesia (Resides in Semarang)
Stance Orthodox
Boxing record
Total fights 48
Wins 46
Wins by KO 22
Losses 0
Draws 2

Professional career

John turned professional in 1997 and is known as "Thin Man" before he proclaimed his new nickname "The Dragon" that he uses until today.
In 2005 John split with trainer Sutan Rambing then joined Harry's Gym in Perth, Australia, where he is currently trained and managed by Craig Christian.
In the year 2008, Chris John was interviewed by ESPN and he stated that he will fight another 5 or 6 fights and will retire. Should he do so, he will be rated amongst the most anonymous world champions in the history of the sport, primarily due to his unwillingness to fight outside Indonesia and his unwillingness match up against the top ranked fighters of his day.
On October 24, Chris reached and won his 10th milestone world title defense fight, which was also his 5th mandatory fight, against Japan boxer Hiroyuki Enoki in Tokyo, Japan.
On February 28, 2009, Chris John again staked his world title against Rocky Juarez in Toyota Center in Houston, Texas, which served as the main undercard for the Marquez-Diaz lightweight title bout. This was the first time he had fought on American soil. John seemed to take control of the fight in the middle rounds, but Juarez rallied to take the final two, resulting in a seemingly controversial draw. HBO's Harold Lederman and Max Kellerman both had the fight scored 8 rounds to 4 for Chris John. John had a rematch again Juarez in Las Vegas on September 19 and the fight was won by the Indonesian via a very clear 119-109, 117-111, 114-113, 12 round unanimous decision.
John defended his title for the 13th time on December 5, 2010, by defeating Argentinian David Saucedo by unanimous decision.


  • 2005–present: Craig Christian
  • 1997 - 2004: Sutan Rambing
  • 1984 - 1997: Johan Tjahjadi (John's father)

Biography of Liem Swie King

Liem Swie King (Chinese: 林水镜; born 28 February 1956 in Kudus) is a former Indonesian badminton player who excelled from the late 1970s through the mid 1980s. He won 1978, 1979 and 1981 All England. He played in Thomas Cup for five times. In 2002 he received IBF highest award. Along with Morten Frost (Denmark), Han Jian and Luan Jin (China), and Prakash Padukone (India), he was one of the world's leading singles players of that era. A world level player in men's doubles as well as men's singles, he was known for the ferocity of his jumping smash.

Early Life
Liem was born on 28 February 1956 in Kudus, Central Java. His parents were Ng Thian Poo and Oei See Moi from Fujian. He was the only son of 8 children. During elementary school, he studied at Sekolah Tionghoa, and later moved to SD Negeri Dema'an II in 1965. In 1974, he changed his name to Guntur in order to accept government instruction.

Liem won Central Java badminton championship at the age of 15. In November 1972, he participated in First Djakarta Badminton Open Tournament. It was his first international tournament. Three years later, he won Moenadi Cup, the Central Java Governor Cup. In 1973, he strengthened Central Java on Pekan Olahraga Nasional VIII and reached the final. After that in the same year, he won Kejuaraan Dunia Bulu Tangkis Piala Garuda (Garuda Cup Badminton World Championship) in Tegal.
While in senior high school, in early 1974 he won national championship. In the same year he participated in All England for the first time. In 1976 and 1977 he became the runner-up. Liem won the prestigious All-England Men Singles Championships in 1978, 1979 and 1981 during a six-consecutive-year run to the finals (1976–1981) of what was then perhaps the world's most prestigious badminton tournament. He was the runner-up at the then triennial World Championships in both 1980 and 1983 to fellow Indonesians Rudy Hartono and Icuk Sugiarto respectively. He was a member of the Thomas Cup winning Indonesian teams of 1976, 1979, and 1984, playing both singles and doubles on the latter two occasions. He also played in the Thomas Cup in the years 1982 and 1986. He was a bronze medalist in the men's doubles together with Hariamanto Kartono at the 1985 IBF World Championships in Calgary.
He retired from badminton in 1988, and now owns a health spa in Jakarta.

Biography of Michael Jordan

Born: February 17, 1963
Brooklyn, New York

African American basketball player
Basketball superstar Michael Jordan is one of the most successful, popular, and wealthy athletes in college, Olympic, and professional sports history.

Michael Jordan was born on February 17, 1963, in Brooklyn, New York, one of James and Deloris Jordan's five children. The family moved to Wilmington, North Carolina, when Michael was very young. His father worked as a General Electric plant supervisor, and his mother worked at a bank. His father taught him to work hard and not to be tempted by street life. His mother taught him to sew, clean, and do laundry. Jordan loved sports but failed to make his high school basketball team as a sophomore. He continued to practice and made the team the next year. After high school he accepted a basketball scholarship to the University of North Carolina, where he played under head coach Dean Smith.
In Jordan's first season at North Carolina he was named Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC) Rookie of the Year for 1982. The team won the ACC championship, and Jordan made the clutch jump shot that beat Georgetown University for the championship of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA). Jordan led the ACC in scoring as a sophomore and as a junior. The Sporting News named him college player of the year for both years. He left North Carolina after his junior year and was selected by the Chicago Bulls of the National Basketball Association (NBA) as the third pick of the 1984 draft. Before joining the Bulls, Jordan was a member of the Summer 1984 United States Olympic basketball team that won the gold medal in Los Angeles, California.

Early pro years

When Jordan was drafted by the Chicago Bulls they were a losing team, drawing only around six thousand fans to home games. Jordan quickly turned that around. His style of play and fierce spirit of competition reminded sportswriters and fans of Julius Erving (1950–), who had been a superstar player during the 1970s. Jordan's incredible leaping ability and hang time thrilled fans in arenas around the league. In his first season he was named to the All-Star team and was later honored as the league's Rookie of the Year.
A broken foot sidelined Jordan for 64 games during the 1985–86 season, but he
Michael Jordan. Reproduced by permission of Getty Images.
Michael Jordan.
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Getty Images
returned to score 49 points against the Boston Celtics in the first game of the playoffs and 63 in the second game—an NBA playoff record. The 1986–87 season was again one of individual successes, and Jordan started in the All-Star game after receiving a record 1.5 million votes. He became the first player since Wilt Chamberlain (1936–1999) to score 3,000 points in a single season. Jordan enjoyed personal success, but Chicago did not advance beyond the first round of the playoffs until 1988. Jordan concentrated on improving his other basketball skills, and in 1988 he was named Defensive Player of the Year. He was also named the league's Most Valuable Player (MVP) and became the first player to lead the league in both scoring and steals. He was again named MVP in that year's All-Star game. By adding such players as Scottie Pippen, Bill Cartwright, Horace Grant, and John Paxson around Jordan, the Bulls' management created a strong team that won the 1991 NBA title by defeating the Los Angeles Lakers. The next year, the Bulls repeated as NBA champions by beating the Portland Trail Blazers. In 1992 Jordan also played on the "Dream Team," which participated in the Summer Olympic Games in Barcelona, Spain. The Olympic Committee had voted to lift the ban on professional athletes participating in the games. The team easily won the gold medal, winning their eight games by an average margin of 43.7 points.

Unexpected retirement

In 1993, after a tough playoff series with the New York Knicks, the Bulls met the Phoenix Suns for the NBA championship. When it was over, Jordan was again playoff MVP, and Chicago had won a third straight title. That summer Jordan's father, James, was murdered by two men during a robbery attempt. Jordan was grief stricken, and his father's death, combined with media reports about his gambling, led him to announce his retirement from professional basketball in October. Jordan had won three straight NBA titles, three regular season MVP awards, three playoff MVP titles, seven consecutive scoring titles, and he was a member of the All-Star team every year that he was in the league. In just nine seasons he had become the Bulls all-time leading scorer.
In 1994–95 Jordan played for the Birmingham Barons, a minor league baseball team in the Chicago White Sox system. Although the seventeen-month experiment showed that he was not a major league baseball player, the experience and time away from basketball provided a much-needed rest and opportunity to regain his love of basketball.

Return to glory

When Jordan returned to the Chicago Bulls during the 1994–95 regular season, people wondered, "Could he do it again?" He played well, but he was obviously rusty. The Bulls were defeated in the playoffs by the Orlando Magic. After a summer of playing basketball during breaks from filming the live-action cartoon movie Space Jam, Jordan returned with a fierce determination to prove that he had the ability to get back on top. The 1995–96 Bulls finished the regular season 72–10, an NBA record for most wins in a season, and Jordan, with his shooting rhythm back, earned his eighth scoring title. He also became the tenth NBA player to score 25,000 career points and second fastest after Chamberlain to reach that mark. The Bulls went on to win their fourth NBA championship, overpowering the Seattle Supersonics in six games. Few who watched will ever forget how Jordan sank to his knees, head bent over the winning ball, in a moment of bittersweet victory and deep sadness. The game had been played on Father's Day, three years after his father's murder.
The defending champions had a tougher time during the 1996–97 season but entered the playoffs as expected. Sheer determination took the Bulls to their fifth NBA championship. Illness, injury, and at times a lack of concentration hurt the team. In the fifth game of the finals Jordan carried the team to victory despite suffering from a stomach virus. In the 1997–98 season the Bulls were again in the playoffs, and again they faced tough competition. As before, they were able to clinch the NBA championship, and Jordan claimed his sixth NBA finals MVP award.
Jordan's other professional life as a businessman was never off track. Profitable endorsements (ads in which he voiced his support for certain products) for companies such as Nike and Wheaties, as well as his own golf company and products such as Michael Jordan cologne (which reportedly sold 1.5 million bottles in its first two months), made Jordan a multimillionaire. In 1997 he was ranked the world's highest paid athlete, with a $30 million contract—the largest one-year salary in sports history—and approximately $40 million a year in endorsement fees.

Retired again

Jordan retired for a second time in 1999, ending his career on a high note just after the official end of a labor dispute between NBA players and team owners. Many people saw him as the greatest basketball player ever, and his retirement was called the end of an era. In 2000 Jordan became part-owner and president of basketball operations of the Washington Wizards. This made him only the third African American owner in the NBA. He also gained an ownership stake in the Washington Capitals hockey team. Also in 2000, Jordan celebrated the first year of his $1 million grant program to help teachers make a difference in their schools.
In September 2001, after months of rumors, Jordan announced that he was ending his three-year retirement to play for the Wizards at age thirty-eight. At a news conference to discuss his comeback, he said, "Physically, I know I'm not twenty-five years old, but I feel I can play the game of basketball on the highest level." The Wizards, who had won only nineteen games the season before, improved with the addition of Jordan. After being voted to play in his thirteenth All-Star game (during which he missed a slam dunk), Jordan had the Wizards in the race for the playoffs until suffering a knee injury and missing the last part of the season. He was also distracted in January 2002 when his wife Juanita, whom he married in 1989, filed for divorce. (They have three children.) The next month the divorce was called off. Jordan said he planned to play one more season for the Wizards. 


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